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What is the realfooding movement and why do I join the "real food"

Do you know what changes your life when you stop eating processed foods? Some time ago I began to introduce variations in my diet to make it healthier. That's how I met him realfooding and I began to progressively apply its recommendations on a day-to-day basis. 

And how is it noticeable? The body is very grateful and immediately begins to transmit positive signals. Also, I know that I am taking care of my health and creating better habits that will benefit me in the long run.

That's why today I want to tell you what the realfooding and why you should pay attention to it.


Real food: what is the realfooding and what are its benefits

More than a way of eating, I believe that el realfooding It is a lifestyle, but to start at the beginning it is only fair that I tell you How did this concept start to be talked about? and who was the one who coined the term.

The nutritionist Carlos Ríos is the generator of the movement realfooding. It started on social networks and took shape until a huge community was created around it, looking for improve your diet with real food. That is, as little processed as possible. 



Realize that there is a enormous pressure from the food industry for us to consume ultra-processed foods. Advertising, offers, reports paid by multinationals, etc. 

The idea is to try to get out of all that bombardment and distinguish some foods from others. So we can learn to feed ourselves with healthy products, distinguishing between ultra-processed, processed and real foods. 

For example, see if you can answer these questions:

  • Are some oatmeal cookies and sugar free actual food? 
  • What about canned tuna, olive oil, or frozen vegetables?
  • They are realfooding diet products?

If you have doubted any, nothing happens. It means you can learn more about healthy eating.

I know that many people will think that it is not a big deal, or that it is a bit extreme to discard some foods. I only share my discoveries with you so that you keep what you consider positive and you can go making better decisions and taking better care of your health.

For me, goes hand in hand with other much-needed changes in attitude, like for example do these 5 zero waste changes to start eliminating waste.

These are the 3 benefits of realfooding What else have I noticed?

Surely each person could tell you different things about the changes they have noticed as they have gone changing your eating pattern, so this is just my experience since I've started eating real food. 


1. I am less hungry

That is because I have increased the amount of fiber I consume quite a bit. Furthermore, it is very noticeable that appetite is better controlled by increasing the amount of vegetables in the diet, since they are very satiating.


2. I have a lot of energy and I digest better

I start the day with a good breakfast and, from that injection of vitality, the day goes smoothly. Do not touch I feel better and lighter.

What do you think of this breakfast? I assure you that it is very satiating!


3. I notice less “addiction” to sweets

By enhancing natural flavors and progressively reducing or eliminating added sugar from the diet, food is perceived more intensely. 

It reaches the point of don't need that extra sweetness in your morning coffee or that some desserts are excessively cloying.

In addition to these 3 very clear benefits, I know that my health is more careful and that I am working to prevent possible diseases in the future, such as hypertension or diabetes, closely linked to food. 

This is perhaps the most important part of the realfooding, but it shows in the long run.


El realfooding I am convinced, but without extremism

I am a realfooder? The answer is…sort of. I think that what really counts for better health is what I do in my daily routines. Habits are the important thing.

So I don't worry if one day I have a different plan and like something out of my eating style.

In other words, nothing happens if one day I eat a hamburger or a pre-cooked meal. Or ask for a home delivery of haute cuisine (one of my secret pleasures). I know it doesn't count, because the rest of the days my diet is healthy and based on real food.

I think the balance is differentiate routines from special occasions or occasional excesses. Nothing happens and I think none of us should be overwhelmed by it if the rest of the time you are making good decisions for your health.

do not you think so? Tell me how you handle it, if you allow yourself exceptions and how you handle your diet the rest of the time. You don't know how much I like to know what decisions do you think are the best for you!


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